The laboratories “Biotechnologie et signalisation cellulaire”, “Conception et application de molécules bioactives" “Biophotonique et pharmacologie”, “Innovation thérapeutique”, ICube and the IGBMC organize :
"Les journées du campus d'Illkirch, JCI 2015”
Monday 13th and Tuesday 14th of April
at the Grand Auditorium and Salle polyvalente, Irebs/ESBS (Pôle API)
on the theme:
“Emerging Therapies”
Monday, April 13
1:45 pm Accueil/welcome
2 – 3:10 Communications orales / Talks, session A
3:10 – 3:40 Plateforme/platform : Syndivia, Oleksandr Koniev
3:40 – 5:20 Pause café / Coffee break
Affiches/Poster session (odd numbers)
5:20 – 6:10 Communications orales / Talks, session B
Tuesday, April 14
8:45 am Accueil/welcome
9 – 10:10 Communications orales / Talks, session C
10:10 – 10:40 Plateforme/platform : Anagenesis, Aurore Hick
10:40 – 11:10 Pause café / Coffee break
11:10 – 12:20 Communications orales / Talks, session D
12:20 –3 pm Déjeuner / Lunch
Affiches / Poster session (even numbers)
Pause café / Coffee break
3– 5:45 Conférences / Plenary lectures
Conférences / Plenary lectures
Mattéo Négroni, HIV genetic flexibility as a biotechnological tool : improved sensitisation of cancer
cells to anticancer drugs - (IBMC, Strasbourg)
Pascal Benderitter, Surgical targeting of RIPK2 kinase using macrocyclic-based Nanocyclix® platform -
(Oncodesign, Dijon)
Laurent Debarbieux, Phage therapy is coming back - (Institut Pasteur, Paris)
6 Cocktail & prix / Cocktail & awards